We are so glad you're here! 

Welcome to Calvary Chapel Lebanon, we hope you feel the Love of Jesus here. We encourage you to Get Connected, see the opportunities below to do so:

Weekly Bible Studies & Groups:

➭ Monday Night Bible Study
7pm in the Sanctuary
Livestream Available
➭ Ladies' Bible Study
 7pm in the Library
Childcare Available
➭ Ladies' Bible Study
9:30 AM at theTrue Life Youth Center
Childcare Available
➭ KINGdom Kids | Sept- May
 6:30 PM | Dinner Served at 5:30 PM
Ages 4 years old to 6th grade
➭ Aquiline Youth Group
6-9 PM in the Sanctuary
Grades 7th - 12th 
Thurs Afternoon Bible Study
 2:30 PM at the YMCA Train Depot
Livestream Available
➭ Ladies Fellowship Night 
6:30 PM in the Annex
Childcare Available
 Fri Afternoon Bible Study 
12:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Lunch served at Noon
 UTurn for Christ Service
6:30 PM in the Sanctuary
Childcare Available
➭ Estudio en Espanol
7pm at 53 Chestnut St Lebanon
Cuidado de niños disponible
➭ Street Evangelism
Noon - 2 PM | Meet in front of CCLeb
Weather Permitting
➭ The Missing Peace | Recovery Meeting
7pm in the Stables
Childcare Available
➭ Prayer Meetings
7:30-8, 8, 9:30, & 11 AM in Room 23
➭ Sunday Services:  8, 9:30, & 11 AM
➭ Children's Ministry: 9:30 AM infant - grade 12
11:30 AM infant - grade 8
➭ Young Adults Group
Ages 18 - 30's
Meets weekly, see ccya.info for details
➭ Off Our Rockers (55+ Fellowship Group)
Meet's the 1st Thursday of the Month
10-11:30 AM in the Library
➭ Widow's Ministry
Meet's the 2nd Thursday of the Month
6:30 PM in the Stables 
➭ Men's Breakfast 
Meet's the 1st Saturday of the Month
7:30 AM in the Sanctuary  

Support Groups:

Want to learn more?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.