The School of Ministry will prepare men and women for a lifetime of serving. Students will give a year of their lives to learn how to lay down their life as Jesus modeled.
The School of Ministry (SoM) is located in Lebanon, PA, and is an outreach of Calvary Chapel Lebanon. We believe that ministry is something that you learn by doing, needing direction from God through the wisdom He has given others. We offer a chance for this principle to be applied in a discipleship setting. The purpose of the SoM is to train students to be servants, developing the needed tools so they may become effective in ministry and grow in their own personal walk with the Lord. The program is designed to teach what it means to have the heart of a servant while assisting with the needs at Calvary Chapel Lebanon. The SoM requires at least a one-year commitment.
Within the year students will...
-attend at least one mission trip
-attend ministry focused classes taught by Calvary Chapel Lebanon pastors
-grow through participating in daily service to the church, the community, and the discipleship programs

Women's School of Ministry
Discipleship is our path to maturity in Christ. It is the process of learning about God, ourselves, and the world in a way that changes us. As Jesus taught His disciples, He brings other, more mature believers into our lives to teach us. And He has given us His word as the source of knowledge that we need for growth. The SoM ladies are given the opportunity to walk alongside and disciple the residents of the Women's Shelter on Willow. WSOW is a residential discipleship program ministering to women who have life-controlling problems and who are seeking freedom from their bondage. SoM ladies are equipped with God's word daily to minister to the residents; they are taught various skills needed in ministry through hands-on experiences. God intended our lives to be lived out in relationships; each of us submitting, reminding, confronting, forgiving, praying for one another, and bearing one another's burdens. Through these relationships, we have a constant opportunity to be doers of His word, not hearers only.

Men's School of Ministry
The men's ministry is community-focused, meaning one of our main areas of focus is serving others. The educational style that occurs in the School of Ministry more closely follows the process of discipleship that Jesus used with His disciples. Jesus spent time with the disciples and put them in situations where they needed to reproduce the things He was teaching them. The disciples absorbed what He taught. They were at the center of the action. The teaching was totally integrated with real life. They watched His ministry and followed His example. The SoM is intended for serious-minded students sensing the Lord's call upon their lives - lives that, as Christians, will be challenged by a willingness to become true servants. Sharing life together in Christ Jesus creates an exciting learning environment.
Are you, or do you know of someone, who needs this year of training to be better equipped?
Women's Contact
Men's Contact