El ministerio en español de Calvary Chapel Lebanon existe para llegar a las necesidades de nuestra comunidad de habla hispana. Es el deseo de la iglesia brindarles cuidado y amor a través de servicios específicos en español. Nuestra misión es alcanzar con el Evangelio a toda persona, transformarla a la imagen de Cristo por el poder del Espíritu Santo, enseñar la Palabra de Dios, capítulo por capítulo y versículo por versículo para avanzar el Reino de Dios.
The Spanish ministry at Calvary Chapel Lebanon exists to reach the needs of our Spanish speaking community. It is the desire of the church to offer care and love through specific services in Spanish. Our mission is to reach all people with the Gospel, transform them to the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, teach the Word of God, chapter by chapter and verse by verse to advance the Kingdom of God.
The Spanish ministry at Calvary Chapel Lebanon exists to reach the needs of our Spanish speaking community. It is the desire of the church to offer care and love through specific services in Spanish. Our mission is to reach all people with the Gospel, transform them to the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, teach the Word of God, chapter by chapter and verse by verse to advance the Kingdom of God.
Anuncios / Announcements

Radio en Español
Weekly Gathering
7:00pm | Online (Google Meet)
Bible Study Applying the Word
Bible Study Applying the Word
6:30pm | 53 Chestnut St Lebanon 17042
Bible Study
Bible Study
9:30am | Main Sanctuary
Sunday Service (Spanish translation)
Sunday Service (Spanish translation)
Reunión Semanal
7:00pm | Online (Google Meet)
Estudio Bíblico Aplicando la Palabra
Estudio Bíblico Aplicando la Palabra
6:30pm | 53 Chestnut St Lebanon 17042
Estudio Bíblico
Estudio Bíblico
9:30am | Santuario Principal
Servicio Dominical (Traducción al Español)
Servicio Dominical (Traducción al Español)
Ministry Leaders / Líderes del Ministerio

Pastor Lorenzo y Elizabeth Mesón
Hispanic Ministry Pastor
Lorenzo y Elizabeth Mesón vinieron de Argentina en el 2001 con un llamado específico de Dios para plantar iglesias entre el pueblo hispano en Estados Unidos. Plantaron tres iglesias en Argentina antes de venir y plantaron tres más aquí en Pensilvania y una en Carolina del Norte. Cuando Lorenzo pensó que finalmente se iba a jubilar y la vida comenzaría a mermar, Dios lo llevó a Calvary Chapel Lebanon y abrió una nueva visión para trabajar con la población hispana de Lebanon dentro de la iglesia, como parte del ministerio de la iglesia. Lorenzo es uno de los pastores de Calvary Chapel Lebanon. El matrimonio Mesón tiene cinco hijos casados y 12 nietos.
Pastor Lorenzo and Elizabeth Meson came from Argentina in 2001 with a specific call from God to plant churches among the Hispanic people in the US. They planted three churches in Argentina before coming, and planted three more here in PA and one in NC. When Lorenzo thought he was finally retired and life was going to slow down, God drew him to Calvary Chapel Lebanon and opened up a new vision to work again with the Spanish population of Lebanon within the church, as part of the ministry of the church. Lorenzo is one of the pastors at Calvary Chapel Lebanon. The Meson’s have five married children and 12 grandchildren.
Pastor Lorenzo and Elizabeth Meson came from Argentina in 2001 with a specific call from God to plant churches among the Hispanic people in the US. They planted three churches in Argentina before coming, and planted three more here in PA and one in NC. When Lorenzo thought he was finally retired and life was going to slow down, God drew him to Calvary Chapel Lebanon and opened up a new vision to work again with the Spanish population of Lebanon within the church, as part of the ministry of the church. Lorenzo is one of the pastors at Calvary Chapel Lebanon. The Meson’s have five married children and 12 grandchildren.

Pastor Yordanys Olivé y Lucila Ruiz
Hispanic Ministry Associate Pastor
Yordanys Olivé y Lucila Ruiz vienen de un pequeño pueblo del centro de Cuba. Se casaron en el 2008 y tienen un hijo llamado Jesse. Yordanys tiene una pasión por la musica que lo llevó a aprender a tocar varios instrumentos, a cantar y grabar 3 producciones musicales con el fin de difundir el evangelio y la palabra de Dios. En 2010 Dios lo llamó a servir como ministro de adoración en la Iglesia de las Asambleas de Dios, un llamado que ha continuado durante los últimos 12 años hasta hoy. En 2011 trabajó como pastor asociado y líder en la iglesia, y finalmente en el 2015 se mudó a los Estados Unidos y participó de varias plantaciones de iglesia en Florida y Virginia. Dios lo guió a Reading, Pensilvania donde sirvió durante dos años en Iglesia El Pórtico hasta el 2020 cuando Dios abrió una oportunidad en Calvary Chapel Lebanon para unirse a la hermosa visión de la iglesia para el ministerio en español dentro de la iglesia, trabajando con el Pastor Lorenzo Meson como asistente ministerial en un gran equipo que Dios ha formado con este propósito.
Yordanys Olive and Lucila Ruiz come from a small town in the center of Cuba. They have been married since 2008 and have a son named Jesse. Yordanys has a passion for music which led him to learn to play different instruments, to sing, and record 3 musical productions with the purpose of spreading the Gospel and God’s Word. In 2010 God called him to serve as a worship leader in the Assemblies of God Church, a call that has continued for the past 12 years to this day. In 2011 he was an associate pastor and leader in the church, and finally in 2015 he moved to the US and was part of several church plants in FL and VA. God led him to Reading, PA where he served for two years at El Portico Church until 2020 when God opened up an opportunity at Calvary Chapel Lebanon to join the beautiful vision of the church for the Spanish ministry within the church and work with Pastor Lorenzo Meson as a ministerial assistant in a great team that God brought together for this purpose.
Yordanys Olive and Lucila Ruiz come from a small town in the center of Cuba. They have been married since 2008 and have a son named Jesse. Yordanys has a passion for music which led him to learn to play different instruments, to sing, and record 3 musical productions with the purpose of spreading the Gospel and God’s Word. In 2010 God called him to serve as a worship leader in the Assemblies of God Church, a call that has continued for the past 12 years to this day. In 2011 he was an associate pastor and leader in the church, and finally in 2015 he moved to the US and was part of several church plants in FL and VA. God led him to Reading, PA where he served for two years at El Portico Church until 2020 when God opened up an opportunity at Calvary Chapel Lebanon to join the beautiful vision of the church for the Spanish ministry within the church and work with Pastor Lorenzo Meson as a ministerial assistant in a great team that God brought together for this purpose.

Pastor Gilberto y Zoila Colon
Hispanic Ministry Associate Pastor
Gilberto y Zoila Colón son de Puerto Rico y Republica Dominicana respectivamente. Tienen cuatro hijos adultos entre los dos. Desde una temprana edad Gilberto sintió un gran compromiso con el Señor para el liderato, la composición de alabanzas, la predicación del evangelio, la música y dirección de alabanzas. En 2003 grabó su primer disco titulado “Mi Agradecimiento” que logra estar en las primeras posiciones en la radio cristiana de Puerto Rico, recibiendo varios reconocimientos y nominado a los premios Paoli y Revelación del Año. En este tiempo Gilberto y Zoila son parte de un gran proyecto en la ciudad de Lebanon y están trabajando como misioneros y colaboradores en Calvary Chapel Lebanon en Español junto al Pastor Lorenzo Meson y un equipo que tiene la visión de alcanzar a las naciones para Cristo a través del entrenamiento de misioneros zonales. Pastor Gilberto y Zoila tienen un gran talento para hacer sketches satíricos, podcasts y obras que reflejan las vivencias de los cristianos y como afrontarlos con el Señor y su Palabra. Pastor Gilberto sigue creando música y nuevas composiciones para nuevas producciones que glorifican a Dios.
Gilberto and Zoila Colon are from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic respectively. They have four grown children between the two of them. From an early age Gilberto felt a commitment to the Lord in leadership, composing praise music, preaching the Gospel, and leading worship. In 2003 he recorded his first album entitled “Mi Agradecimiento” (My Gratefulness) which managed to be in the first positions in the Christian radio of Puerto Rico, receiving several recognitions and nominated for the Paoli and Revelation of the Year awards. Currently, Gilberto and Zoila are part of a great project in the city of Lebanon and are working as missionaries and collaborators at Calvary Chapel Espanol together with Pastor Lorenzo Meson and a team that has been working on the vision of reaching the nations for Christ through a training program for area missionaries. Pastor Gilberto and Zoila also have a great talent doing satirical skits, podcasts, and plays that reflect the experiences of Christians and how to face them with the Lord and His Word. PastorGilberto continues to create and compose music and plans to create new productions that glorify God.
Gilberto and Zoila Colon are from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic respectively. They have four grown children between the two of them. From an early age Gilberto felt a commitment to the Lord in leadership, composing praise music, preaching the Gospel, and leading worship. In 2003 he recorded his first album entitled “Mi Agradecimiento” (My Gratefulness) which managed to be in the first positions in the Christian radio of Puerto Rico, receiving several recognitions and nominated for the Paoli and Revelation of the Year awards. Currently, Gilberto and Zoila are part of a great project in the city of Lebanon and are working as missionaries and collaborators at Calvary Chapel Espanol together with Pastor Lorenzo Meson and a team that has been working on the vision of reaching the nations for Christ through a training program for area missionaries. Pastor Gilberto and Zoila also have a great talent doing satirical skits, podcasts, and plays that reflect the experiences of Christians and how to face them with the Lord and His Word. PastorGilberto continues to create and compose music and plans to create new productions that glorify God.