TEST - email fail TEST - Building Fund Pledge

Please Note: Pledge forms go to Kim Graves, the church treasurer, ONLY. You may email your typed out pledge to pledge@ccleb.com which also goes ONLY to Kim Graves You may also "snail mail" a pledge form or your own written commitment to the church address: 740 Willow Street Lebanon, PA 17046 "Care of" Kim Graves.

As a gentle reminder, funds will be needed by Aug 3, 2023.

Other Building Fund pledge response options:

  • Simply email your typed out pledge to pledge@ccleb.com which ONLY goes to Kim Graves or...
  • Fill, save, print, and place in the Building Fund Box at the back of the Sanctuary or...
  • Fill, save, and email as an attachment  Kim Graves at pledge@ccleb.com